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Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper? Is Black Pepper Safe for Dogs?

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Raymond Umpa

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Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper?

Salt and pepper are inseparable ingredients that are essential for adding that needed kick to any human food. And knowing that these condiments are part of our daily lives, as dog owners, it pays to be curious about the welfare of our pets. Hence, it’s just right to ask, “Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper?”

Dogs are man’s best friend, and any dog owner would agree. That is why sometimes it can be hard to resist your dog’s puppy eyes when he wants to grab a bite from your food or even just a quick lick on it.

There are also times when maybe out of their curiosity, your canine friends would just snatch a slab of meat on your dinner table.

At first, we may take incidents like these lightly thinking that they can safely snack on our food.  However, what happens if your dog regularly consumes human foods that are rich in spices and seasonings like peppercorns, chili powders, and salt?

Shouldn’t we be worried? Our pets are like our babies, so, we should know if these ingredients are bad for dogs or not.

Can Dogs Eat Black Peppers?

Yes, dogs can eat a small amount of black pepper, but it doesn’t mean that they like it. In fact, dogs hate the smell of black peppers and cayenne pepper.

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Some dog owners even use these spices as deterrents for canine chewing. So, why would you want to feed your dogs with foods that are seasoned with black peppers (and salt) in the first place?

Is it because of the idea that they may have increased appetite if their meals have peppercorns? Or did a friend or someone you know tell you that black peppers are good for your dog’s health?

Nevertheless, whatever the reason, it’s good that you are seeking an answer to this very important question. As responsible pet owners, it is our responsibility to always put the health and safety of our dogs first.

And again, dogs can eat black peppers but only in the slightest amount, or negligible to say the least to the point that you may ask yourself why even bother adding pepper to their food.

Continue on reading below and find out why it’s best to just leave peppers off your pup’s food.

Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper?

Is Black Pepper Safe For Dogs?

Black pepper is safe for dogs when taken in small amounts. When taken in large quantities, it can be too spicy for them and offer no health benefits. Dogs doesn't really like spicy foods, it iritates them and causes stomach upsets. As a general rule, try to avoid giving them black peppers.

And common sense would tell that most often when there’s pepper, there’s also the presence of salt, other spices, and artificial flavors. All of these added ingredients are harmful to dogs, so, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Moreover, dogs don’t love the taste of peppers. In large amounts, peppers can be spicy and dogs don’t like spicy foods.  It’s worth noting, though, that black peppers get their distinct pungent flavor from piperine, and not from the capsaicin spice found in chili peppers.

Furthermore, if your dog inhales cayenne pepper or black pepper, it might cause a very uncomfortable sensation inside his nose, and he may sneeze uncontrollably. You can just imagine how uneasy would your dog feel in that situation.

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What Happens if Your Dogs Eat Black Pepper?

Too much black pepper can be harmful to dogs and even humans. Check out below some of the health problems associated with a high amount of pepper consumption in dogs:

Burning Sensation in the Stomach

Consuming a lot of peppers can cause a burning sensation in your dog’s stomach. And sometimes, it can even irritate the stomach lining and the lining of the intestinal tract. This shouldn’t come as a surprise considering that the base of black pepper is hot, and it’s also widely known for its spicy flavor.


When taken in large amounts, black pepper can irritate your dog’s digestive tract, which can consequently lead to diarrhea. And we all know that frequent watery stool can also result in dehydration when not managed well and not treated on time.


Hemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen veins in the anus and rectum. And hemorrhoids can cause severe pain and discomfort to humans and dogs.

Yes, our canine friends can get these swollen veins, though hemorrhoids are not that common with them considering that their anatomy is different from humans.

Nevertheless, we should not take this slightest possibility lightly because if it does happen to our dogs, it can really be painful for them. In fact, when you suspect that your dog has hemorrhoids, you should seek professional help immediately.

Itchiness in your dog’s rear end is an initial sign of hemorrhoids. You may also start seeing blood in his stool. If a dog has external hemorrhoids, he may drag his butt on the floor to relieve the irritation, pain, and discomfort. External hemorrhoids are also easier to detect since they protrude externally.

Respiratory Problems

Black pepper doesn’t have to be eaten for it to produce uncomfortable side effects to dogs. When inhaled in huge amounts, black pepper can cause serious respiratory problems.

The inhalation can lead to deprivation of oxygen supply in the lungs, which can eventually lead to hypoxia. Hence, it is very important to always be watchful of your dogs and careful not to let them inhale large amounts of black peppers as this can be a possible cause of their untimely demise.

Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper? Is Black Pepper Safe for Dogs? 1

Does Black Pepper Offer Some Health Benefits to Dogs?

While black pepper isn’t toxic for dogs when taken in small quantities, it also doesn’t offer any real health benefits to dogs. And with the possible harmful effects from ingesting and inhaling black pepper, it is therefore just right and logical to keep this seasoning away from your dogs.

What to Do if Your Dogs Eat Black Pepper?

Just in case your dog consumes a large amount of black pepper, simply observe his reactions for a few hours. Notice if he exhibits signs of stomach upset such as vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog experiences any of these symptoms, seek help from your vet right away.

Recipes That Contains Black Pepper

Some of you may want to try out some recipes that involves black pepper, and below are 3 do-it-yourself recipes which are easy to do. Enjoy!

can dogs eat black pepper

Pumpkin Turmeric Dog Treats

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Total Time 28 minutes
Servings 25
Calories 39 kcal


  • Food Processor
  • oven


  • 2 cups Old-fashioned oats
  • 1 tsp Turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp Black pepper
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tbsp Coconut oil, melted and cooled
  • 1/2 cup Pumpkin purée


  • Preheat oven to 350°F / 177°C / Gas mark 4.
  • Measure 2 cups of oats, then pour them into a food processor. Let machine run for 2 – 3 minutes, until oats are almost flour consistency with a few big pieces left.
  • Add oats to medium bowl, then add turmeric and black pepper. Stir to combine spices with ground oats.
  • Whisk egg, then add it to the oat mixture with the coconut oil and pumpkin purée.
  • Using a rubber spatula, mix dough until it is uniform.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Use a small cookie scoop or a tablespoon measure to portion out treats, placing them on the lined baking sheet.
  • Using wet fingers, press the tops down to flatten slightly.
  • Bake for 18 minutes for chewy and soft treats. (See notes for crunchy, drier treats)
  • Cool completely before feeding to your pup.


After baking for 18 minutes at 350°F, reduce oven temperature to 200°F / 93°C / Gas mark 1/4. Bake for an additional 35 – 40 minutes.
Can Dogs Eat Black Pepper? Is Black Pepper Safe for Dogs? 2

Anti-Inflammatory Dog Biscuit Recipe

Proud Dog Mom
Prep Time 20 minutes
Bake Time 30 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 20 pieces


  • oven


  • 3 cups Instant quick oats
  • 1 tbsp Ground flaxseeds
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric
  • Pinch black pepper
  • 3/4 cup Water
  • 1 Egg large


  • Preheat oven to 350ºF and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
  • Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix together.
  • Add water and egg.
  • Mix ingredients together until thoroughly combined with a spoon. Then, with your hands, knead dough. This dough will feel very wet and sticky. Let it sit on the counter for 15 minutes, allowing the oats to soak up the water and egg.
  • Sandwich doughball in between two pieces of parchment paper. With a rolling pin, roll dough to about 1/4" thick. Stamp with cookie cutters and place biscuits on the baking sheet.
  • Use a cookie cutter to stamp out biscuits and place each treat on a lined baking sheet.
  • Bake at 350ºF for about 30 minutes, or until cooked through.
  • Transfer to a wire rack to cool.


Store in an airtight container for up to a week on the counter, two weeks in the refrigerator, or three months in the freezer.
Can dogs eat black pepper

Golden Paste for Dogs

Boogie the Pug
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 1 small jar


  • 1 cup Water
  • 1/2 cup Turmeric powder
  • 4 tbsp Organic coconut oil
  • 2 tsp Ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp  Cinnamon (optional)


  • Mix the water and turmeric on low to medium heat. Keep stirring until it forms a nice paste.
  • Add in the coconut oil, black pepper, and cinnamon (note that the cinnamon is optional). Keep stirring until all ingredients are mixed well.
  • Let cool. Transfer paste to a glass mason jar and store in the refrigerator.


  • Turmeric stains! Make sure you’re wearing old clothes when cooking, and be careful not to spill.
  • It can last in the the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, and longer in the freezer.
  • The rule of thumb is to give half a teaspoon of golden paste per 10kg of dog per day. If your dog is new to golden paste, start with a small dose and gradually increase.

What Happens If A Dog Eats Pepper?

is black pepper bad for dogs

Although they are not toxic, these kinds of pepper are all very irritating for your dog if they eat any. Eating a hot pepper can make your pooch cough and retch as well as give them a sore stomach and diarrhea.

If your dog is having diarrhea, consider feeding him special sensitive stomach dog foods.

How Much Pepper Is Toxic To Dogs?

Experts recommend that large dogs eat less than one-half pepper and that small dogs eat less than one-quarter pepper at a time. Consider removing the seeds and stems to prevent indigestion. If you feed your dog portions in excess of these amounts, he might wind up with an upset stomach, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

Why is Black Pepper bad for dogs?

Taken internally in large amounts, the piperine which gives black pepper its characteristic flavor and aroma can be intensely irritating to a dog's digestive system. This can result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea — all signs that you should take your dog to the veterinarian.

Do dogs like black pepper smell?

The spicier the pepper is, the more likely your dog will not care for the smell. Pepper, such as chili pepper in ground form, is very irritating to your dog's nose. She won't like the smell or burning sensation the pepper causes. Some commercial dog repellents use it as an ingredient.

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