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Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate? What Should You Do If Your Dog Has Eaten Pomegranate?

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Raymond Umpa

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Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate

The pomegranate is touted as a super fruit for us, humans. Its ruby-red seeds and sweet-tart juice can make all Holiday recipes gleam with joy.

From salads, braised meats, cocktails, soups, and parfaits –pomegranates can add that much-needed punch to any food and drink.

Humans benefit a lot from this healthy fruit, but how about our furry friends? Can dogs eat pomegranate?  

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Pomegranate: The Forbidden Fruit

Pomegranates have been cultivated since ancient times with their roots traced from the regions of Northern Iran to India.

The Jewish scholars also believed that the “forbidden fruit” of the Garden of Eden isn’t an apple, but a pomegranate.

Nevertheless, whether it’s true or not, we can’t deny that, just like an apple, pomegranate is also packed with healthy nutrients that make it worthy of global attention.

And we, humans, are blessed to have this fruit, especially when it’s in season around October to February, just in time for the Holidays.

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate?

There isn’t a straightforward “yes or no” answer to this, unfortunately. And there are two main reasons why – although pomegranate in itself is not toxic to dogs, we can’t remove the fact that most dogs that eat pomegranate end up being sick.

Hence, the short answer to this question would be to proceed with caution, and as always practice moderation.

Pomegranate peel extract may be a common ingredient in high-quality dog food cooked by professionals, as well as pomegranate dog treats sold for commercial use, but it’s different when you feed your dog pomegranate with its skin and seeds.

Raw pomegranate seeds, or also known as pomegranate arils, contain tannins that are believed to irritate a dog’s digestive system.

So, eating large quantities of raw pomegranate with the seeds and skin can cause your dog to vomit, and have a bad case of diarrhea.

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate? What Should You Do If Your Dog Has Eaten Pomegranate? 1

Health Benefits of Pomegranates for Dogs

Pomegranates are packed with essential nutrients that can also be a great addition to a dog’s diet.

But we should also take this with a grain of salt considering that dogs and humans are different. Dogs do not process the nutrients from their food the same way that human bodies do.

And this can also be the reason why most of our furry friends, if not all, get sick and experience digestive issues after consuming large amounts of pomegranate’s juicy seeds, pomegranate juice, or pomegranate extract. 

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Nonetheless, dogs can eat pomegranate seeds and their extract because unlike other fruits and vegetables such as grapes and raisins, pomegranates are not toxic to dogs.

So, for dog owners who want to let their dogs experience what this healthy fruit can offer, they can do so, but just in small quantities. Pomegranates are rich in healthy antioxidants that can help fight cancer and other chronic illnesses.

However, dogs can’t seem to process effectively the high concentration of antioxidants in pomegranates, and this can be another reason why they experience stomach upset after consuming this fruit in any of its forms.

This jewel-colored fruit is also loaded with vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, and potassium. And while pomegranate seeds and fruit may give your dog an upset stomach, studies show that the pomegranate peel extract can have a positive effect on his digestive tract and overall gut health.

Bear in mind the difference between the pomegranate peel and peel extract, though. You should not give your dogs pomegranate peel, as these can be hard to digest and can also be a choking hazard.

Moreover, there’s also a promising study showing that pomegranate extract can help fight heart disease and it may have a positive impact on your dog’s overall heart health.

Pet owners only want the best for their pups, so, if you are privy about supplementing your dog’s diet with pomegranate extract, it’s best to consult your vet. He can give you the best recommendations regarding sourcing and dosage.

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate? What Should You Do If Your Dog Has Eaten Pomegranate? 2

What Happens If Your Dog Eats Pomegranate?

While it’s not advisable to feed your dog pomegranate due to the risks associated with it, you also don’t have to worry in case your pup gobbled even on an entire pomegranate fruit.

As mentioned earlier, unlike other foods such as garlic, onions, grapes, and raisins, pomegranate isn’t toxic to dogs.

Eating these toxic foods may cause kidney failure and other life-threatening conditions for dogs. As with pomegranates, most of the time they will just upset your dog’s stomach and chances are high that your pup will simply expel the pomegranate on his own.

Small amounts of pomegranate are unlikely to cause any health issues to your dog. If you do offer this healthy fruit make sure to remove the skin as it can be difficult to digest, and it can be a choking hazard, especially to smaller dogs.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Has Eaten Pomegranate?

As a dog owner, it’s just normal to slightly panic if we see our dog eating something for the first time since we still don’t know how he will react.

That’s why it’s important to read more information about what our dogs can eat regularly, what they can eat in small amounts, and what they should never eat at all.

As mentioned in this article, pomegranates are not toxic to dogs, but most dogs end up with stomach upset after consuming this fruit. So, it’s best to proceed with caution, and only give this healthy fruit as a treat.

If you see your dog munching a pomegranate fruit, simply take it away from him to make sure that he won’t eat more than his body can take. Once you secured the fruit to a safe place, allow your dog to drink plenty of water and observe for his reaction.

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate? What Should You Do If Your Dog Has Eaten Pomegranate? 3

If your dog experiences an adverse reaction to the fruit, this might just be vomiting and diarrhea, and both symptoms won’t last that long.

However, if it does persist longer than expected, it’s best to consult your vet. He may administer IV fluids to replace the lost fluids and electrolytes inside your dog’s body, while also observing for other unusual reactions.

If your small dog consumed a whole pomegranate fruit, it would be better to call your nearest vet right away or call Animal Poison Control.

They can give you more information on what you should do next depending on your dog’s size, breed, age, as well as past and present health conditions.

Are dogs allowed to eat pomegranate seeds?

Pomegranate isn't poisonous to dogs, so if your dog is quick to gobble up dropped food scraps, you don't need to worry. However, this exotic fruit is known to make dogs sick. Eating some of the fruit seeds from a pomegranate may give your dog a tummy ache and/or cause vomiting.

Why pomegranate is bad for dogs?

First and foremost, pomegranates themselves are not toxic to dogs. It's thought that the tannins in pomegranate are what upset a dog's stomach. However, dog treats containing pomegranate are not so rich in tannins and provide the health benefits of pomegranate without the risk.

Can pomegranate seeds kill dogs?

Arils, the seeds of pomegranates, are almost impossible for dogs to digest, and can cause serious problems if eaten in large amounts. Most commonly, if your pup gets ahold of some of this fruit, they will vomit, and be fine, but if you are worried, definitely take them to the vet for a visit.

What happens if a dog eats pomegranate seeds?

Pomegranate isn't poisonous to dogs, so if your dog is quick to gobble up dropped food scraps, you don't need to worry. However, this exotic fruit is known to make dogs sick. Eating some of the fruit seeds from a pomegranate may give your dog a tummy ache and/or cause vomiting.

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