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Nectarines Are Just As Peachy As Peaches, Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?

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Can Dogs Eat Nectarines

If you’re a fan of peaches, then (most often than not) you’d also go gaga over nectarines. A refreshing summer fruit, your fido might also want to have a bite. But, should you give your dog a slice? Can dogs eat nectarines?

Pet parents know well that not all “people” food is good for dogs. Treats that shouldn’t be part of your dog’s menu include sugar-loaded cookies and chocolates, but what about healthy “people” food like nectarines? 

This is where your trusty dog food product reviews and information website – Dog Food Guide – comes in. Aside from providing detailed reviews on a variety of dog food products, we’re also geared up to give the nitty-gritty details about what dogs should eat and shouldn’t eat.

As such, expect to find all the information you need about nectarines here. So, just sit back and scroll down.

Juicy Nectarine Facts

Scientifically known as “Prunus persica,” nectarines are among the sweet and hearty fruits you would want to snack on. Like its close relatives – peaches, plums, and apricots – nectarines are part of the rose family under the Prunus genus. 

So, what do peaches, apricots, plums, and nectarines have in common apart from being part of the same family? All of them have pits. These pits, aka “stones,” give them a fitting byname – stone fruits.

Now, let’s talk about what these soft, round fruits have to offer nutrition-wise. 

We mentioned a while ago that nectarines are hearty. They’re low in calories, low in fat, and brimming with dietary fiber, water, and antioxidants (like beta-carotene). Not just that. It contains many vitamins and minerals, which include the following:

Nectarines Are Just As Peachy As Peaches, Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? 1
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B3
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium

Nectarines Vs. Peaches

Before we go down to business, you’re probably wondering what’s the difference between nectarines and peaches. Yes, they look so similar, and that’s because their makeup is almost identical. What keeps them apart is one tiny gene.

This gene variation gives peaches its fuzzy, velvety skin and nectarines its smooth outer appearance. Interestingly, on rare occasions, you’ll find nectarines in peach trees and vice-versa.

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Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?  

Now that you know that the nectarine fruit is not only yummy but is also loaded with fiber and health-enhancing nutrients, is this among the “people” food that you can use as dog treats and can be added to the menu?

The short answer here is YES. But, if you want your pup to live a long life, you ought to give this to your dog in moderation.

Just like most fruits and vegetables, nectarines (and peach) should be given as an occasional snack and should not part of your dogs’ regular diet.

Nectarines Are Just As Peachy As Peaches, Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? 2

Health Benefits Of Nectarines To Dogs

Humans can’t help but love nectarines for its healthy goodness, but do dogs reap the same rewards health-wise? 

Thankfully, people are not the only ones who enjoy its benefits. Dogs do as well. If you’re planning to feed your dog nectarines (or peach), here is a rundown of some of the fringe benefits your pet dog can look forward to:

Thirst Quencher

If your dog is looking parched, a slice of nectarine fruit might just help. This stone fruit can hydrate your dog, especially when the temperature is at its peak since this one is made up of 87% water.

Supports Digestion

A fruit that is part of Healthline’s 20 foods high in fiber, consider feeding your dog this fruit to help improve their gut health and bowel movement.

Good Source Of Antioxidants

Apart from fiber, this summer treat is packed with antioxidants. While dogs don’t necessarily need vitamin C since they can produce this on their own, your dog would surely gain something from its beta-carotene content. 

Apart from warding off free radicals, this antioxidant also morphs into vitamin A. Vitamins A play an important role in many bodily functions, including eye and bone health and immune system response.

Improves Heart Health

The macrominerals found in this fruit, including potassium and magnesium, promote proper heart function. It also boosts muscle and nervous system health. 

Nectarines Are Just As Peachy As Peaches, Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? 3

Dangers Of Letting Your Dog Eat Nectarines

While nectarines are hearty and fiber-rich, too much of a good thing isn’t always good. That goes for both people and dogs. 

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So, when it comes to nectarines, your dog is better off having just a few since fruits and vegetables are considered a treat that should always be given in moderation. 

Any kind of fruit should also be washed thoroughly to get rid of pesticides and should be given minus the nectarine pit (or peach pit). If not, expect your dog to be in a pickle instead of having a woof-tastic experience.

Here’s a list of risks your dog might face:

Choking Hazard

The stone-like pit in the middle has to be removed since this can be lodged in your dogs’ throat and small intestines. For the same reasons, the flesh should be sliced into bite-sized pieces before serving.

Stomach Problems

While nectarines can aid digestion, having too much dietary fiber can also cause stomach upset, including diarrhea and vomiting. Enter portion control.

Also, if you’re introducing this to your dog for the first time, it’s best to give just one or two slices and see how your dog will react. If you observe any side effects like diarrhea, contact your veterinarian ASAP.

Weight Gain And Diabetes

Unfortunately, this one has high sugar content. Besides giving dogs a sugar rush, the high sugar content can also increase your dog’s blood sugar and weight. If your dog is already diagnosed with diabetes or obesity, it’s best if you stash this somewhere out of your dog paws’ reach.

Tooth Decay

You can blame this on the sugar and the hard pit. Biting on the pit can lead to fractured teeth as well as tooth or gum infection. Both can be painful for your dog. 

Ethanol And Cyanide Poisoning

Both peach pits and nectarine pit contains trace amounts of cyanide. These toxins are released once your dog chews on or swallows the broken pit. Ingesting small amounts can be fatal and cause salivation, convulsions, and even death. Contact your vet right away if your dog eats a pit and shows these signs:

  • Excessive panting
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach distress
  • Unstableness

Apart from cyanide, the rotten nectarine fruits contain ethanol. Ethanol is a type of alcohol that is toxic to dogs.

Nectarines Are Just As Peachy As Peaches, Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? 4

Tips On Feeding Your Dogs Nectarines

Don’t settle with cookies. If you want to reward your dog, you can give your dog peaches and nectarines. With the tips below, you and your dog should be good to go. 

  • Wash and cut the nectarines into small pieces
  • Remove the pits and only give the flesh of the fruit
  • Make sure to follow the 10% treat rule
  • Use this ONLY as an occasional treat 

Can dogs eat plums and nectarines?

Plum flesh is safe, but it's high in sugar content, so it isn't the best snack for dogs. Plum pits are have a sharp end and can cause digestive obstruction. The pit also contains cyanide, so if your dog has crushed the pit with her teeth, there is some added risk.

Are peaches or nectarines bad for dogs?

To reiterate, remember: keep your fruit supply entirely out of reach of your dog, including peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, pears, and others with potentially hazardous pits. Peaches are fine in moderation, when given under supervision, cut up, and with the pit removed.

Can dogs eat oranges?

Yes, dogs can eat oranges. Oranges are fine for dogs to eat, according to veterinarians, but they may not be fans of any strong-smelling citrus. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, and in small quantities, the juicy flesh of an orange can be a tasty treat for your dog.

Are peaches OK for dogs?

Yes, dogs can have peaches. In fact, this popular summer fruit is packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C, antioxidants and more. They're also high in fiber and higher in sugar than other fruits and berries, so it's best to stick to the 90/10 rule.

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