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Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide

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Mary Nielsen

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Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 1

Have you ever wondered: Why does my dog lick my hands? Is it their way of showing affection or submission? Or is there something hidden within their behavior that is signaling something else entirely? If these questions have ever crossed your mind, then this comprehensive guide is here to provide the answers.

The topic of dog licking is a common one among pet owners and enthusiasts. Many people have experienced the feeling of a wet, slobbery dog tongue on their hand, face, or even their entire body. While some may find it endearing and a sign of affection, others may find it unpleasant or even gross. However, understanding why dogs lick is important in understanding their behavior and improving the bond between humans and dogs.

Dogs are social animals that have evolved alongside humans for thousands of years. They are known for their loyalty, affection, and ability to sense human emotions. Licking is just one of the many ways in which dogs communicate and bond with their owners. It is a behavior that starts from a young age, as puppies learn to groom themselves and their littermates by licking.

While some may see dog licking as a simple and straightforward behavior, it is actually a complex behavior that can have a variety of meanings. Dogs may lick to show affection, bond with their owners, seek attention, explore their environment, calm themselves, groom their owners, show submission, taste salt, or communicate with their owners. Each of these reasons has its own significance and can provide insight into the dog's behavior and emotions.

For example, if a dog licks their owner's hand as a way to show affection, it is a sign that they are happy and content. If they lick their owner's hand as a way to calm themselves, it may be a sign of anxiety or stress. If they lick their owner's hand as a way to taste salt, it may be a sign of a nutritional deficiency or a habit formed from a young age. Understanding the reasons behind dog licking can help owners better communicate and bond with their dogs, as well as identify any potential medical issues or behavioral problems.

In addition to the reasons for dog licking, it is also important to consider the individual dog's personality and background. Some dogs may be more prone to licking due to their breed, temperament, or past experiences. For example, a dog that was separated from their mother too early may have developed a habit of licking as a way to comfort themselves. A dog that was not properly socialized may lick as a way to seek attention or comfort from their owner. By understanding the dog's individual history and personality, owners can better address any issues related to licking and improve their relationship with their furry friend.

So take a deep breath and join us on this journey to uncover the mystery of why a pup loves to lick your hands.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands

What Does it Mean When He Licks Your Hand Constantly?

When a dog licks your hand constantly, it could mean a few different things. It could be a sign of affection, submission, or even anxiety. It's important to take into account the environment and the pup's behavior before jumping to conclusions.

Dogs tend to lick their owners' hands when they're happy, as a way of expressing their joy. It could also be a sign of submission; they might be trying to show that they understand you are the Alpha.

Dogs may also lick their owners' hands as a way of expressing their discomfort in a given situation. So, it's important to pay attention to the context in which your pup is licking your hands.

Some pups may also lick their owners' hands due to obsessive behavior. In these cases, it's important to take the pup to a dog behaviorist to help them understand and control their behavior.

Dogs also lick their owners' hands out of empathy, as a way of providing comfort in tough times. It's important to understand why your pup is licking your hand so that you can take the necessary steps to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

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Is it Safe?

It's important to understand the safety implications of a pup licking your hands. Dog saliva contains bacteria and parasites that can, in rare cases, cause infection. So, if your pup is constantly licking your hands, it's best to give them a good wash afterwards.

It's also worth noting that, in some cases, excessive licking could be a sign of something much more serious than just a pup being affectionate. So, it's important to keep an eye out for any other signs that could help you figure out what's going on.

During excessing licking, it could be a sign of stress, separation anxiety, or a sign of being unwell. It could even be due to obsessive-compulsive disorder. If this is the case, it's important to take your pup to a dog behaviorist to help them understand and control their behavior. Another cause of excessive licking could be pain or discomfort in the pup. If this is the case, a vet examination may be necessary.

It's also important to remember that some dogs may lick their owners' hands simply because they like the taste. In these cases, it's best to give your pup something else to focus on; a toy or chewable treat, for example.

It's important to be aware of the safety of a pup licking your hands and to be aware of the signs of excessive licking. If you notice any changes in your pup's behavior, it's best to consult a vet or a dog behaviorist to ensure that your pup is safe and healthy.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 2

Why Does My Dog Lick Me?

Dogs lick for a variety of reasons, and understanding why your pup is licking you is key to knowing how to respond. For instance, licking could be a sign of affection, a way to groom you, or a way to communicate with you.

To understand why your pup is licking you, it’s important to look at their body language, the context of the situation, and the frequency of the licking. Dogs use licking to show both positive and negative emotions, so it’s important to pay attention to both your pup and the environment to determine why they are licking you.

1. Showing Affection

Dogs are pack animals and tend to show their affection in different ways. Licking is one of the ways dogs show their affection and is often seen as a way of expressing love and loyalty towards their owners. When a dog licks your hands, it could be their way of showing that they love you and appreciate your presence.

2. As a Sign of Respect

Dogs are known to be highly respectful of their owners and tend to display their respect in various ways. Licking your hands could be your dog's way of showing that they respect you and see you as the leader of the pack. It could also be a way of seeking approval and showing their submission to you.

3. Gauging Our Mood

Dogs use their tongues to get a sense of where we've been and how we're feeling. This behavior is linked to the Jacobson's organ, which is activated when a pup licks someone. This organ helps pups pick up on our emotional state. Licking can be a way for them to show their understanding and offer comfort – like a hug with a tongue!

By licking us, dogs are able to get a better understanding of our emotional state and show us affection. They may also be trying to connect with us, show their empathy and let us know they understand what we're feeling.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 3

4. We Taste Good

Dogs may lick our hands because they enjoy the taste of human skin. Our hands have a unique flavor that dogs find interesting and attractive. They may also be picking up on leftover food residue that they can smell and taste. Plus, the natural salts on our skin add a flavor that dogs love. All of these factors combined mean that our hands are like a tasty snack for our canine friends.

5. As a Form of Grooming

Dogs tend to groom themselves by licking their fur, paws, and other body parts. When a dog licks its owner's hands, it could be an indication that they want to groom you. They may see you as part of their pack and feel the need to groom you like they would another dog

6. Showing Empathy

Dogs may also lick our hands as a way of expressing empathy. This is especially true when our pup notices that something is wrong. They might be licking our hands as a way of offering comfort and understanding. They’re letting us know that they understand how we’re feeling and that they’re there to provide us with love and comfort.

Additionally, dogs may lick our hands because they want us to take care of them. Dogs may act out when they feel neglected or abandoned, and licking our hands could be their way of asking for attention.

This is especially true for puppies who are used to their owners being around all the time. When we’re not around, they may lick our hands as a way of asking us to take care of them.

7. Submitting to You

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Submitting to their owners is another way that pups show their affection, and one of the ways they do this is by licking their hands. This behavior is thought to come from their wolf ancestors, who used licking as a sign of submission. When a pup licks your hand, they’re letting you know that you’re the leader of the pack and that they trust and respect you.

Pups may also be trying to communicate with us via this method. Dogs don’t have language like humans do, so licking is their way of communicating their needs. For instance, if your pup is licking your hands and then backing away, it could be a sign that they need their space. This could mean that they’re feeling overwhelmed and need a break from the situation.

It’s also important to remember that dogs may be doing it out of hunger. If your pup is licking your hands more than usual, it could be a sign that they’re feeling hungry. Or this could be due to a change in their schedule or something else that’s making them feel uneasy.

8. To Bond with You

Dogs are pack animals and they form strong bonds with their owners. Licking is one way in which they strengthen this bond. When a dog licks your hand, they are marking you as a member of their pack. This behavior helps them to feel more secure and comfortable around you, and it strengthens the bond of trust and loyalty between you and your dog.

9. To Explore Their Environment

Dogs explore the world around them with their noses and their mouths. Licking is a natural part of this exploration process. When a dog licks your hand, they are trying to gather information about you and your environment. They can detect the scent of other animals, food, or other interesting things on your skin. Licking can also help them to determine your mood and emotions based on the chemicals and hormones that are present in your sweat.

10. To Calm Themselves

Licking is a self-soothing behavior for dogs. When dogs are feeling anxious or stressed, they may lick their paws, their beds, or even their owners' hands. This behavior helps to calm them down and reduce their stress levels. If your dog is prone to anxiety or stress, you may notice that they lick your hands more often than usual.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands

Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands?

Dogs may be drawn to licking our hands for a variety of reasons, such as a sign of love, a way to get those feel-good endorphins going, or just a way to explore the world around them.

It is thought that when a pup gives their human a lick, it releases their natural endorphins, which can make them feel relaxed and happier. Additionally, licking your hands can send signals to your pup that they are safe and secure.

Furthermore, dogs may be drawn to licking our hands to simply explore the world around them. Dogs have an incredibly keen sense of smell, and by licking our hands, they can pick up on where we’ve been, who we’ve been hanging with, and even what we’ve been eating!

For some dogs, licking our hands may even be a way of finding out how we feel. With all these possible reasons for why a pup may be drawn to licking our hands, it's no wonder why domestic dogs and other canines can't seem to resist the temptation!

No matter the reason, it is important to understand why dogs may be drawn to licking our hands so that we can better understand our canine companions.

When Do Dogs Tend to Lick Your Hands the Most?

Dogs show their love and submission with a few licks of the hand, and it's also a way for them to bond with you. There's no set time when they do it, so you never know when you'll get a few extra licks of affection!

Some dogs may lick your hands more during certain times, such as when you come home from work, when you're eating a snack, or even when you're feeling down. Not all dogs will lick your hands, however, and some may only give you a few licks as an occasional sign of affection.

If your pup is licking your hands when you're eating something, it could mean that they want some of the food for themselves! If your pup is doing it when you're feeling sad or anxious, it could mean that they are trying to comfort you and show empathy.

No matter the reason your pup is licking your hands, it's important to remember that it's a sign of love and affection. Paying attention to when and why your pup is licking your hands can help you better understand them and create a stronger bond between the two of you.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 4

How to Stop a Dog Licking Your Hands

There are a few different methods you can use to stop a dog from licking your hands. These include ignoring the behavior, training with the NO Affirmative, distracting them with toys or food puzzles, and using bitter products. Ignoring the behavior is one of the most effective methods as it doesn't reward the dog for licking your hands and can help reduce and eventually put a stop to the behavior.

Ignore the Dog

One of the most effective ways to stop a dog from licking your hands is to ignore the behavior. Pretending like the dog's licking isn't happening can help reduce and eventually put a stop to the behavior.

If your pup is particularly persistent, try telling them “No” in a firm voice and removing your hands from their reach. Dogs understand the concept of reward and punishment, and they will learn to associate licking with negative consequences if they don't receive the attention they want.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 5

Train Using the NO Affirmative

Telling your pup “no” is a great way to get them to stop licking your hands. It's important to be consistent and fair when you say “no” though, and to follow up with positive reinforcement training to show them what they should do instead.

With the NO Affirmative, you can also redirect their attention to something else. This teaches them that licking your hands is not allowed and helps break the cycle of licking. You should also be careful not to be too harsh or use physical punishment to stop the licking.

Positive reinforcement training is a great way to teach your pup the behavior you want. Rewarding them when they obey your command will help them understand that licking your hands is not allowed. You can reward your pup with treats, toys, or even verbal praise when they stop licking your hands. You can also use a clicker to help mark the behavior you want your pup to learn.

It is also important to remember that all dogs are different and may respond differently to different methods. It is best to experiment with different methods to find out what works best for your pup.

Put Something in Its Mouth

Another way is to put something in its mouth. This could be a chew toy, a Kong filled with treats, a bone, or even a food puzzle. This is a great way to keep your pup from licking your hands as it gives them something else to focus on. Plus, it's a natural behavior for dogs to carry things in their mouth, which can give them a sense of security and help them relax.

When redirecting your pup's attention to something else, it is important to make sure that the item is safe for them to chew on. You want to make sure that the item is appropriate for their age and size and that it is not a choking hazard. You can also give them a treat or two to help keep their attention on the item.

Lickimats and Kongs are great for this and can help keep your pup's tongue wagging. These are usually filled with peanut butter or treats, which can distract your pup from licking your hands and give them something to focus on.

By providing your pup with a distraction, you can help them stop licking your hands. While this method may not work on its own, it is a great way to distract your pup and can be used alongside other methods to help stop them from licking your hands.

Use Bitter Products

Using bitter products is one way to stop a dog from licking your hands. Bitter sprays are available which are totally safe for dogs and make your hands taste nasty, so they won't want to lick them anymore. Simply give your hands a spritz of the spray and it will help to deter your pup from licking your hands.

Using a bitter spray is an effective way to stop a compulsive licker. By swapping out the tasty salty flavor with a nasty bitter one, you can put an end to the licking. It is important to note that this method is only effective if your pup is licking because they like the taste of your hands. If they are licking for any other reason, the bitter spray will have little to no effect.

When using a bitter spray, make sure to test it out on a small area of your skin first to make sure that it is not too harsh. Also, make sure to read the instructions on the packaging as some sprays may need to be reapplied throughout the day.

If none of these methods work, it is best to consult a dog behaviorist to help you find a solution. Consulting a dog behaviorist is a great way to figure out why your pup is licking your hands and learn how to modify the behavior. It is important to note that consulting a dog behaviorist should be the last resort as it can be costly.

Consult a Dog Behaviorist

If you have tried the methods mentioned in the previous section but your pup is still licking your hands, it may be time to consider talking to a dog behaviorist. A dog behaviorist is an expert in understanding and modifying a dog's behavior. A behaviorist will be able to determine why your pup is licking your hands, as well as provide you with a customized plan to modify the behavior.

When consulting a dog behaviorist, make sure to ask plenty of questions to ensure that you are comfortable with their methods. It is important to note that not all dogs respond the same to different methods, so it is important to find a behaviorist that has experience with your particular dog's breed and temperament. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you are able to follow through with the behaviorist's plan.

It is important to note that consulting a dog behaviorist should be the last resort as it can be costly. However, it can be well worth it if you are able to effectively modify your pup's behavior and create a happy, healthy relationship between the two of you.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 6

Is it Similar to When Dogs Lick Other Dogs?

Dogs licking other dogs is a common behavior that is instinctive and has been observed in the wild. It is believed that this behavior is used to establish dominance and show submission, similar to when humans shake hands. It also serves as a way of saying hello, or to show respect or obedience. They may also do it as a form of grooming or to show affection, as dogs tend to do with their owners.

Understanding the similarities between dogs licking other dogs and humans can help us better understand why our dogs may be licking our hands. By understanding the reasons behind the behavior, dog owners can better respond to their dog's licking and help prevent excessive licking.

What Does It Mean When Your Dog Licks a Lot?

When a dog licks your hands a lot, it can mean a few different things. It could be a sign of anxiety, hunger, a need for love and care, or even a need for some space. A pup may even be trying to show empathy towards you.

Some dog owners think that this behavior is just their way of saying hi. Licking can also be a sign that your pup is trying to self-soothe or ease separation anxiety.

Whatever the reason, it is important to understand why your dog is licking you in order to ensure that it is a healthy behavior.

1. They're Anxious

It may be a sign that they are feeling anxious. This type of licking is often referred to as frantic licking and can be a sign of underlying health problems or an indication of the dog's behavior. The dog may be trying to show its owners that it needs some extra love and attention, or it could just be their way of telling you that something is wrong. Pet parents should pay close attention to their pup's behavior and consult with a veterinarian or behaviorist if they are concerned.

Separation anxiety is closely related to anxiety-induced licking. Dogs tend to lick their owners more when they are separated from them or when other members of the family are around. Puppies in particular may lick their owners more when they are feeling anxious or stressed, as it is a way for them to self-soothe.

2. They're Hungry

When a dog is hungry, they may display certain behaviors that indicate their need for food. Dogs tend to lick their owners more when they are hungry and in search of a meal. They may lick your hands, face, and even your shoes! This is the pup's way of telling you that it's time for dinner. Dogs may also paw at you, bark, or whine when they are hungry.

Additionally, dogs may lick their owners more frequently when they are expecting a treat. This licking can also be a sign that they are looking for a snack. It's important to recognize these signs and to provide your pup with a healthy and nutritious meal in response.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 7

3. They're Asking for You to Take Care of Them

Licking could also be a sign that they are asking for you to take care of them. It could be a way of asking for some attention or simply a way of showing their love and appreciation for you.

This behavior could also be a sign of separation anxiety. Dogs that have been separated from their owners or their pack and may display excessive licking as a way of seeking comfort.

If your pup is displaying signs of anxiety, it is important to provide them with additional love and care. Providing your pup with love and care is a great way to show them that you are there for them.

4. They Want Space

Sometimes, dogs may want some space from their owners, and licking is one way they may express this. If your pup is constantly licking your hands and is not responsive to your commands, it could be a sign that they are feeling overwhelmed.

This could be due to too much stimulation or too much interaction with you. If you continue to interact with your pup, it could lead to further stress and anxiety. Respect your pup's boundaries and give them the space they need.

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How Do I Know What Kind of Lick My Dog is Giving Me?

Dogs communicate through licking and it's important to understand the different types of licks and why your dog is licking you. This can help you identify whether your pet is licking out of pleasure, submission, or anxiety. A fast lick with a closed mouth is usually a sign of pleasure or affection; generally, when your dog licks you, it's to show that it loves and trusts you.

On the other hand, if your dog licks your hands and paws in a frantic manner, it may be a sign of submission, anxiety or fear. If your dog licks your hands and feet excessively, it could be a sign of stress or discomfort. In this case, it's important to take a step back and identify the cause of the anxiety.

It's important to distinguish between normal licking behavior, which is usually harmless and serves as a sign of love and affection, and excessive licking, which can be a sign of stress or anxiety. With the right knowledge, you can learn to interpret your dog's licking behaviors and take the necessary steps to ensure your pet's well-being and happiness.

Uncovering Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands: A Comprehensive Guide 8

Do Some Dogs Lick More Than Others?

It is true that some dogs lick more than others. Most domestic dogs and other canines are quite fond of licking hands, but some dogs will be more enthusiastic about it than others. For example, puppies may be more likely to lick their owners’ hands than older dogs; this is because licking sends signals to their mother dogs that they are happy and healthy. On the other hand, older dogs may lick to show submission or affection.

The amount of licking that a dog does also varies between breeds. For example, certain breeds like Labradors, Poodles and Golden Retrievers tend to be more affectionate and may lick more often. Additionally, some dogs may become anxious or frustrated when their owners are not paying attention to them and may lick more as a result. In these cases, the licking behavior may become excessive and the dog may need help from a trained dog behaviorist to learn how to stop.


At the end of the day, our pup's licking behavior is driven by instinct. Most of the time it’s a sign of love and affection – a slow, gentle tongue stroke or a few soft licks on the hand can mean that your pup wants to show you some attention and let you know how much they care about you.

It’s also important to remember that there may be an underlying need for attention or anxiety that needs to be addressed when dealing with excessive licking. Keeping an eye out for any signs of discomfort, understanding why your dog is licking your hands, and offering plenty of mental and physical stimulation are all key in creating a loving and healthy relationship with your pup!

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