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Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Should Know About Dogs and Guavas

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Raymond Umpa

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Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Should Know About Dogs and Guavas 1

Healthy is the new sexy. No wonder, a lot of health and fitness trends are going viral these days. And this positive inclination toward healthy living has also extended to our furry friends.

More and more dog owners are choosing fruits as treats, just like the crunchy and juicy guava. But as a concerned pet parent, we’re sure you are curious to know, “Can dogs eat guava?”

What is Guava?

Guava, which is scientifically known as Psidium guajava, is an exotic fruit that is also considered a super fruit just like grapes and acai berries. However, unlike these two antioxidant-rich fruits, guavas are not toxic to dogs.

Exotic fruits and superfruits like guavas are packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals, as well as other healthy nutrients that are not just good for us, humans, but also for our dogs. However, we do have to remember that dogs and fruits have a love-hate relationship. Some fruits are good for dogs, while some are not.

If you are thinking of adding guava to your dog’s diet or you are concerned about your dog’s health after seeing him munching on your fresh guava fruit, this article is for you.

Can Dogs Eat Guava

Can Your Dog Eat Guava?

Yes, dogs can eat guava. This juicy tropical fruit is safe for dogs to consume, but just like other human foods, you should only give it in moderation and you should avoid feeding your dog guava with its skin and seeds.

The outer skin of guava is rich in sugar, which can put your dog at risk for canine obesity. And not only that, guava peels are also harder for your dog to digest. So, he may experience stomach upset, especially if he consumes too much guava.

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More importantly, you should avoid feeding your dog guava seeds because it contains cyanide. Although guava seeds only contain trace amounts of this dangerous chemical, it is still not advisable to serve your dog guava with seeds.

There’s still the possibility that a mild amount of cyanide can accumulate inside your dog’s body, which can lead to cyanide poisoning. It’s definitely not worth risking your pup’s health just for the convenience of not having to remove the seeds first before offering him apple guava, or any type of guava.

Is Guava Safe for Dogs?

Guava fruits are safe for dogs to eat, but only in appropriate amounts as too much guava can make your dog sick. Specifically, it can give your pup an upset stomach, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and uncomfortable tummy pains. And when the symptoms are not controlled, your pup may even be in danger of dehydration.

Also, as mentioned earlier, guava seeds can also contain trace amounts of cyanide, which can potentially accumulate inside your dog’s body if you regularly feed him guava with seeds. Additionally, other parts of the guava fruit may also be problematic for dogs. For instance, the skin can be harder for your dog to digest, and it is also rich in sugar.

Another notable part of the guava fruit is its leaf. A lot of people enjoy the medicinal benefits of boiling guava leaves and sipping them as tea. However, dogs don’t need any liquid aside from water. And some people also say that guava leaves can upset a dog’s stomach.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Should Know About Dogs and Guavas 2

Is Guava Good for Dogs?

There are many types of guava – apple guava, pineapple guava, white guava, red guava, and Thai guava – all of which are safe and good for dogs to consume in moderation. Just like any healthy fruit treat or commercial pet treat, a small amount of guava would be just fine.

However, you should also consider your dog’s size to determine what’s the appropriate proportion that can be considered safe and beneficial for your pup. If you have a large breed dog, you can offer him more pieces of guava than regular. If you have a small dog, just like a toy poodle or chihuahua, you should be extra careful not to give large chunks and servings of guava.

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Health Benefits of Guava for Dogs

Guava offers heaps of nutritional benefits for us, humans, and our pets. Filled with nutrients, this exotic fruit is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Here is a list of beneficial nutrients packed in every bite of this juicy tropical fruit:

Vitamin C

Clearly, vitamin C has the best health benefits, and this vitamin boosts the immune system of dogs. Vitamin C is often recommended by doctors for pregnant and lactating dogs. However, dogs have the ability to produce this vitamin on their own. So, they may not need extra from other sources unless they are suffering from an illness that makes them incapable of producing vitamin C.

Vitamin C fights off all the harmful substances that enter a dog's body and acts as an anti-oxidant. It also helps to strengthen all of their bodily functions. Providing your dog with guava may also help with post-operative stress for dogs who had just undergone surgery.

Vitamins A and K

Guavas contain lots of vitamins, and vitamins A and K are a part of them. Vitamin A helps increase cell and immune function within the dog's body. Vitamin K keeps bones in good shape and prevents clot formation. Vitamins A and K can help promote healthy cellular metabolism in dogs. Vitamin A also provides the dog's reproductive system with proper function.


B vitamins are important in neurochemical synthesis or neurochemical reaction, an essential bodily process that aids in maintaining balance and producing neurotransmitters in a dog's brain. And guava is a good source of B-vitamins that help promote neurochemical synthesis. In simple words, guava is good for the brain.


Dogs require a complete and balanced diet for optimum health. And incorporating guava into his diet even as treats can add the properties of iron in their body. Dogs need all the nutrients that they can get from their diet, and iron is essential in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells in dogs. Dogs benefit from the iron content of guava, which can further help in the transport of hemoglobin that carries nutrients and oxygen throughout their body.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Should Know About Dogs and Guavas 3


Talking about vitamins and minerals, it's not easy to overlook Potassium. Guava contains a significant amount of potassium. In fact, 100 grams of guava contains 417 grams of potassium. Potassium helps dogs maintain healthy organs and increase muscle growth and strength.

Potassium can also help dogs digest food by breaking down carbohydrates and fats for a healthy digestive tract. It is also useful in enhancing the brain function of dogs, regulating PH, supporting proper organ function, etc.


Magnesium assists dogs absorb excess potassium and zinc if needed. Magnesium can also be used to soothe a dog's pain, as well as in calming agitated dogs. It can help with muscle regeneration and in providing energy. And this mineral is essential to the proper functioning of various organs, including the liver, the heart, and the digestive system.


Fiber promotes a healthy digestive system in dogs, and guavas are rich sources of fiber. While dogs don't really need extra external fiber, the additional amount that guavas can give won't hurt them. Having said this, the fibrous guava can help in regulating your dog's bowel movements and ensure a healthy digestive tract.


Last but not the least, guava also contains sodium, a mineral that plays a significant role in controlling blood pressure. However, it only works this way if dogs eat guavas in moderation. Vets advise dogs to avoid using sodium supplements as this can cause blood pressure issues. However, for some dogs, sodium supplements can also be used to help with vitamin deficiencies.

Besides the above-mentioned minerals, guava also contains phosphorus, lycopene, calcium, and lycopene which are also very important for a dog's health and wellness.

When Is Guava Bad for Dogs?

Too much of something is oftentimes, if not always, bad for our health, and this also applies to guava and our dogs. This tasty and refreshing tropical fruit can also be bad for dogs when taken in excess, as it can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

What’s more, guava is also packed with carbohydrates and sugars. So, the more guava fruits your dog eats, the higher his chances are of being overweight or of acquiring diabetes.

Guava is definitely not something that you can just freely give your pup as he likes. It’s best to offer small pieces to him by hand rather than leaving an entire guava fruit for him to consume as he desires.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Should Know About Dogs and Guavas 4

How Many Guavas Can Your Dog Eat?

Guavas fall under treats. And as a general rule, treats should only make up 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake. However, be mindful that it does not mean that 10% of your dog’s food each day should come from guava. You should take into account all the special treats you give to your dog every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Eat Guava Seeds?

No, dogs can’t eat guava seeds. As mentioned earlier, guava seeds are not only problematic for dogs, but they may also contain trace amounts of cyanide, which can easily accumulate inside your dog’s body if you are giving him guava regularly.

Can Dogs Eat Guava Rind or Skin?

Yes, they can. However, some sources say that the rind can be difficult for dogs to digest even if it’s safe. Hence, you should observe your dog’s reaction if you are offering him guava with its rind or skin still intact.

Can You Feed Your Dog Guava Leaves?

No, you can’t. A lot of people boil guava leaves and drink them as tea, but dogs don’t need other liquid other than water. Besides, even we humans don’t directly eat the guava leaves. We only drink boiled water with its extract. Also, when eaten by dogs, guava leaves can cause serious gastrointestinal issues.

Can Dogs Eat Guava Paste?

No, dogs should not eat guava paste. While it is not toxic to them, guava paste contains a lot of sugar that can be unhealthy for dogs to consume. Even a little bit of guava paste can already affect a dog’s blood sugar level.


Guava is an extremely nutritious fruit, and it would really be a shame if dogs can’t have them. Fortunately, our canine companions can take advantage of the many nutritional benefits of this healthy tropical fruit. However, just like other fruits and human foods, we should only give them to our pup in small amounts.

Even if guava is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, it is also rich in sugar. So, you should always proceed with caution when giving this juicy exotic fruit to your canine buddy. In moderation, it can be a great addition to his diet, as it doesn’t only provide variation, but also gives your dog plenty of beneficial nutrients.

Can Dogs Eat Guava? What You Should Know About Dogs and Guavas 5

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